Commissioning Art Works

Commissioning Work

The Site
I have built and maintain this site as an online resource showing what I do and sometimes how it is done.
I find that being able to show my work as I want it to be seen and for it to be within reach of a wider audience than the established media and publishing possibilities will generally allow to be, is one of the great advantages of the internet.
The work that is contained within this site was all commissioned. That is, ordered.


I know that it can be intimidating for people to contact an artist and to trust a project to someone they don't know. But I hope that by looking around this site and seeing what I have created for my clients that some of the uncertainty will be removed. I have posed some questions that I am typically asked and then have given brief answers. If you have any further questions or want fuller explanations then please contact me or one of my representatives. 

Contact information is available from the main index.



I am commissioned by an individual or group of people to create a work for a specific location or function. I am basically a commissioned artist. That is what I am good at. I respond well to being asked to solve a specific design problem within a budget and within a given time scale.


So how does this work?
There are many ways and no fixed rules, I have been contacted by individuals, committees, agents, architects and so on. You contact me and we see what is the best way to begin a project.


Do we need to supply the theme or the concept?
I find it good to have a starting point, a reference from where I can begin but this comes about in many ways. I have had fixed briefs with definite content, a text, a piece of music, the life of an individual or institution or just a discussion where the brief is subsequently agreed and formulated. It is always different. Often the best starting point comes from a discussion between myself and my clients.


How is a design presented?
it used to be a scaled watercolour design. These days it will probably be a digital drawing or image, often showing the proposed design in context giving a very good sense of how the finished work could look.

 I like however to present designs at a half way stage for discussion with the clients. Mostly this stage shows a concept that is not completely formed. I find at this stage it is still relatively easy to re-think and re-work and idea. Once I have got to the end of the design process this is more difficult.


How much does this cost?
It depends entirely on what I am asked to do. Is there one or twenty windows, are they all variations on a theme or are they all entirely different and so on. The design fee will be agreed at the outset.

Can you work to a budget?
Indeed, almost every work has an agreed budget. Indeed it is better to know how much is available at the beginning otherwise something wonderful might be designed that is way too expensive.
How long does it take to make the work?

Again it depend on how much is involved and how many projects I am working on. I prefer to only work on the final stage of one project at a time and there is a limit to how many works I can make in a year. An idea of how long it will take will be given with the design and deadlines can be agreed.

Can you supply world-wide?
Yes indeed, the studio where I make my work is a large studio used by many artists from all over the world and there is no difficulty in sending the work anywhere.

If there is any question and answer that you think should be dealt with here then please email me and I will include it.

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